Codename Cure Steam

8 December, 2014 -HoobalugalarXHi guys, thanks for all the support and feedback so far. In answer to a few common questions:Will it be free? - Yes 100%.Does it use content from CS:GO? - No.Is it the same as all other zombie games?

Medieval engineers. You must have the latest DirectX version installed to avoid any errors.

Codename uncle

- No, the game has many unique elements, its fast paced, military/class/objective based (not simply civilian/survival), its completely dynamic (zombie spawning, level variances - no scripted events), one-click weapons (grenades/melee), deployable equipment (sentry gun/supply chest) and more.When can I play? - The game is in public beta, the latest release is B2.0 (availible at this uses more placeholder assets and has less features than the version you see in the latest media, but the basic premise is there if you want to get a feel for the gameplay.GLHF;).

Codename CURE is a first person, co-operative zombie game with support for up to five players, providing immersive, fast-paced zombie fragging with fully dynamic/objective based missions.As a team of special military operatives utilising a range of powerful weapons/equipment (assault rifles, shotguns, sentry guns, supply chests and more), players are tasked with curing infected areas of a post-apocalyptic world by planting controlled explosives before pulling a short sharp exit.CURE can be played both on and offline, with or without computer controlled team mates. The game sports a variety of difficulty options which adapt dynamically with the number of players including five balanced player classes: Pointman, Support, Assault, Technician and Sniper.

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