Release dates. Windows, October 16, 2009. MacOS (OS X), October 16, 2009. Linux, October 16, 2009. Machinarium guide on StrategyWiki.
Machinarium Walkthrough Walkthrough, FAQ, Hints, Cheats - CheatbookMachinarium Walkthrough Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games. Browse by PC Games Title: The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs ingames, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the 'God Mode' becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard partof the game. Gihorse. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase isexactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on ourMachinarium WalkthroughMachinarium WalkthroughVersion 1.01Last Updated: October 20 2009-Version Updates-1.01 - 20/10/09 - Miscellaneous edits.1.00 - 16/10/09 - First full Machinarium walkthrough.-Table of Contents-I. Walkthrough- The Dumps- Guard Post- Mine Cart Entrance- The Incinerator- The Prison Cell- Guard Room- Observatory Room- Jail Cells- Tower Base (Right)- Tower Base (Left)- Tower Base (Right)- City (Lower Area)- Town Circle- Bridge- City (Lower Area)- Guard Post- Tavern- City (Lower Area)- Tavern- Town Circle- Reservoir Room- Tower Wall- Kitchen- Tower Wall- Roof- Greenhouse- Broken Bridge- City Circle- Bridge- Arcade- Elevator Room- Hallway- Chamber- Under the Tavern- Outside the TowerIII.
Version Updates-I. Foreword-Machinarium created by Amanita Designlatest text version of this walkthrough is always available from:permalink for this text walkthrough is:not to use this walkthrough unless you are really stuck. Most of thepuzzles in Machinarium are logical, and can be solved if given a littlethought.You can also access the handy hint feature in the game by clicking on the hintbook at the top right corner of the screen (not the light bulb).
You will haveto reach the end of a scrolling shooter level to reveal puzzle solutions forthe room you are in.These two web sites have all the illustrations that can be unlocked by playingthe mini-game for every area in Machinarium:Walkthrough-The Dumps-Click on the overturned bathtub twice, then click on the metal body of ourrobot friend twice to make it fall to the ground, landing just next to hishead. Now click on his head to attach it to the body.You're missing an arm and a leg, but you can still extend Josef's body upwardsby holding the left mouse button while the cursor is over him, then pullinghim upwards. Do that, and grab the toy on your left (Josef's right). You canclick on the passing rat for a hint to this puzzle.The toy should now be in your inventory. Move your mouse cursor towards thetop of the screen to display it, then left-click the toy and give it to therat when it is resting just next to you. The rat will proceed to retrieve yourleg.Walk slightly further to the right and stand next to the thread.
Click on itto retrieve a string. Then grab the magnet on your left, and combine bothitems inside your inventory.Now proceed further towards the right and left-click on the upright piece ofmetal to bend it with your leg. Take the magnet on a string out of yourinventory, then use it on the same metal rod to retrieve your arm and swingtowards the right side of the screen. Proceed right into the next area.-Guard Post-Watch the cutscene.
Once you have control over Josef, walk towards the stripedcones (with white and red stripes). Left-click on it a couple of times untilyou have both the cone with a broken tip and the pail of blue paintunderneath.Stand next to the bucket of white paint, and dip the cone inside yourinventory into it to turn the cone entirely white. Now click on the pail ofblue paint inside your inventory and pour the contents into the bucket ofwhite paint. Dip the white cone in your inventory into the bucket of lightblue paint.Stand next to the street light. Hover your mouse cursor around it until thecursor turns into an arrow pointing upwards. Left-click on it twice to climbtwo steps.
Now click on the last step at the bottom (the one you are notstanding on) to add it to your inventory. Place it inside the hole just aboveJosef's head to create a new step. Climb upwards, and repeat the same processone more time to climb higher. Keep climbing until you can't go up any further(You will be standing on top of the highest step). Extend yourself and grabthe light bulb to add it to your inventory.Combine both the light bulb and blue cone together to create a hat that looksvery similar to what the guards are wearing. Place the hat on top of Josef'shead, then walk slightly to the right (stand just next to the pulley).
Extendyourself and grab the pulley to call for the guard. The guard will lower thedrawbridge for you to cross.-Mine Cart Entrance-Walk right and stand next to the small tower. Shrink yourself and click onthe small box just underneath the tower to display a set of two knobs. Set itto 2A to move the pipe, then climb the stairs on your left.There is a small piece of metal hook just underneath the lever, so left-clickon it to add the hook to your inventory.
Now place the hook on the rails (thelong piece of metal) at the top part of the stairs. This will allow you topull the lever by left-clicking on the lower part of the rails when you arestanding at the bottom of the stairs.Extend yourself upwards while you are standing next to the lever, then clickon the long pipe (when the mouse cursor turns into an arrow pointing upwards)to grab it. Now climb towards the right until you are just next to the yellowobject. Click on it to add it to your inventory.Take the yellow object out of your inventory and place it on the tracks. Nowclick on the long piece of steel from the bottom of the stairs to pull thelever and call for a cart, then quickly click on the yellow item on the tracksto make the mine cart spill its contents at the base of the tower. If the minecart doesn't rest against the tower after this, repeat the same steps againuntil it does.Click on the wheels on the mine cart to remove them. You will place it on thetracks.
Click on the wheels again, then pull the lever with the long metal rodfrom the bottom of the stairs to call for another cart. You will be pushedinto the next room.-The Incinerator-Click on the button which is blinking red to open the panel on the right.Move towards the door on the right until you are standing next to it.
Thereis a piece of metal hanging beside the door, so left-click on it to add theitem to your inventory.Walk towards the panel and examine it to find three sliders. Pull the firstand third sliders all the way down, and push the second slider all the way up.Now press the red button, put yourself back into your normal position (youneed to do this to reach the mine cart in time), quickly run to the mine cartand enter it.
If you time everything right, you will be carried upwards by thepinching device. Before you are transported anywhere, click on the platform atthe top left corner of the room to jump towards it.Now use the piece of metal inside your inventory with the brown box at the topplatform to unlock it. Click on the box again to open it and reveal a set ofwires inside. Left-click on the top half of the wires on the left to switchthe red and black wires, so that the pinching device will go clockwise insteadof the usual counter-clockwise direction.Jump back down and press the big red button at the side of the panel toactivate the pinching device once more, then move quickly towards the minecart and enter it. This time you'll be moved very close to the huge pipe onthe right. Left-click on it to jump into the pipe and proceed to the nextarea.-The Prison Cell-Talk to the prisoner and he will ask for a smoke.
Move right and grab thegreen fungus growing out of the pipe to add it to your inventory. Click on thepipe twice, and a piece of it will fall off. Left-click on the valve to add itto your inventory.Now move closer to the toilet bowl and take the toilet paper. Extend yourselfand place the green fungus in your inventory on the lamp to heat it up. Nowcombine both the burnt leaves and the toilet paper to create a homemadecigarette. Give it to the prisoner and he will lend you a helping hand.There is a hole in the wall, so move towards it and lower yourself into aposition where you can insert your arm into the hole. Click on the arm in yourinventory, then on the hole so that you can extend your reach.
There are twoholes on the left wall in the middle room, left-click on the upper hole toreach into another room. You will find a cupboard in this room, so left-clickon it to grab the cupboard. Click on the cupboard a couple times more to shakethe broom off the top, then click on the broom to grab it.Now that you have both the broom and the valve, combine them both and use iton the manhole cover to open it. Jump in, and proceed right into the nextroom.-Guard Room-Keep crawling right until you are under another manhole in this room. Use thebroom to open the manhole cover.When the guard is tilting his chair backwards, click on it to push him down tothe floor. Quickly grab the pellets from the plate on the table, and throw iton the floor just behind the chair (under the switches with the red lights).If you can't do all of these in one attempt, you can also wait for him to grabmore pellets from the board, sit back on the chair and tilt it again.
Youshould also grab the key from his belt while he is collecting pellets from thedartboard.Now tilt his chair and when he is at the board collecting more pellets, climbout of the hole in the ground and walk towards the switch. Use the key on theleft switch, and the prisoners from the middle jail room will attempt to runaway when the guard is collecting pellets off the board. He will then slip onthe pellets that you place on the floor, then run back into the room to chaseafter the two prisoners.Once the room is clear, climb out of the hole and proceed upstairs. Open thedoor into the next room.-Observatory Room-Only two things to do here: climb upstairs and look into the telescope, thenflick the switch which is just next to the door upstairs to turn off thelights. You will notice that the clock is glowing. Note down the timeindicated (4:45), then head back to the Guard Room. Climb down the stairs andproceed left to the jail cells.-Jail Cells-Enter the middle jail cell and extend yourself upwards.
Angry birds blast tips. There is a plunger atthe top of the screen, grab that. Exit the cell and proceed further left.Click on the keypad and input the time from the clock in the observatory room(4:45).
Once you've keyed in the correct time, press the red button and thedoor to the first cell on the left will slide open. Hop into the cell andsolve the puzzle on the cupboard to open it. The starting positions areassigned at random, but the solution is basically to turn the sidescontinuously until a triangle is formed in the middle using the green dots.Once you've opened the cupboard, you will receive a gun with a rope in it.Head back to the observatory room and use the other exit to enter the city.-Tower Base (Right)-Move to the right side of the two red crates, then click on them (hand icon,and not an arrow pointing upwards) to push them towards the left. Push againand keep doing it until you end up in the next area, and you can't push themtowards the left anymore.-Tower Base (Left)-Talk to the robot holding the umbrella, and you will ask for the umbrella fromhim. He will ask for your help to find his pet, which can be found in theprevious area (Tower Base, right).
There is a red switch box just beside him,click on it to examine the buttons inside. The objective here is to swapbutton locations to activate the magnet just above the two red crates, simplyby switching their positions one button at a time. Instructions can be foundscribbled on the left side, and you can reset button positions by clicking onthe red button on the right.
Posted: 8 AprilA charmingly fun little point-and-click adventure game. Machinarium hits all the points you would expect out of a game in the genre. Although the narrative is very simple, the way it was presented throughout the game made it fun and engaging.
The peculiar art style is an interesting mix of a dirty-mechanical world with a light-hearted cartoony nature, that really compliment the setting and story. There are, however, some weaker points this title has that I should mention. First, there is a built-in mini-game that allows you to unlock a 'walkthrough' for each stage, while I think this is an interesting concept, that rather than looking up a walkthough online (completely removing you from the experience) you can just do it in-game, I think a more fun/engaging thing to do is provide more clues in the environment for the player to explore. Secondly, the game is very short for the full price ($19.99 CAD as I write this). I bought this game on sale, even still, I was left desiring more story and gameplay.
I still recommend this game, my advice to would-be players is buy it when its on sale. I hope if there ever ends up being a sequel for Machinarium, the devs put more time into making it a longer experience.